Borrowing can become an advantageous business if loan balances can be reduced through interest rate reduction and/or dynamic switching to weaker currencies. Interest rates for different currencies vary greatly. Switching loan balances into low interest rate currencies can reduce the interest burden. Switching loan balances into currencies that fall against the original loan currency can also reduce the loan burden. DynexCorp uses a combination of both to achieve benefits for the borrower.

Debt risk management is suitable for loans in medium to high interest rate currencies if they can be paid back in low-interest rate currencies. During an era of generally low interest rates only loans taken out in liquid higher interest rate currencies (such as currently AUD, NZD, ZAR etc) benefit from debt risk management.

June 2007: Dynex Currency Debt Management

November 2007: 3Q2007 Stellar Performance

July 2008: Drop in USDJPY - Enough to steady the ship?

April 2008: EURUSD - Emperor Without Clothes

May 2008: EURUSD - The Big Picture

30 May 2008: Pundits Are Wrong - Markets Fluctuate

6 June 2008: >Market Sentiment as a Positioning Guide

August 2008: The USD Long / Short Positioning Index

3 September 2008: Interpreting the CONSENSUS

11 September 2008: Near an Extreme in the Euro?

9 October 2008: Escalating Risk Aversion, Prop for the Dollar

11 December 2008: The Fog Is Clearing

23 April 2009: Interest Rate Convergence

6 July 2009: Lack of Dynamics Causes Switching

5 October 2009: Forecasting is difficult

4 January 2010: Sometimes the only way to win is not to play

5 April 2010: Ugly Duckling EUR

3 July 2010: Sentiment Extremes

4 October 2010: The Pendulum Swings to the Opposite Extreme

4 January 2011: Sidelined Until Year-End

4 April 2011: Profits from weakness in funding currencies

5 July 2011: Cycle reverses: Time for the sidelines

2 January 2012: Low Interest Rates and a Falling Euro

2 April 2012: Euro Intermezzo - A Spectacular EURJPY

2 July 2012: Repeat of 2H2011 - On the Sidelines

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